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Welcome to Mount Moriah Baptist Church! We are a Reformed Baptist church located in the Powdersville area in Piedmont, SC. While there are many churches around, here are a few distinctives, an overview, and the associations of our church. Each church is unique so we’d like to share a few aspects that we feel make us unique in the Powdersville area. Our mission is to Reach, Teach, and Equip! Here are a few distinctives. First, we practice expository or expositional preaching. This means that as a regular practice we teach and preach the Bible verse-by-verse. We seek to determine the author’s original meaning and apply it to believers today. Second, we teach a biblical gospel. This means we teach what the Bible teaches, that all people must repent and believe the gospel of Christ. What is the gospel? It is that Jesus, who is God, took on human flesh and lived the perfect life that we cannot and do not live, and He died the death that we deserve. He was resurrected from the dead on the third day. All who repent of their sin and place their faith alone on Christ will be saved. This is a gracious work of God. Therefore we reject the teachings of easy believe-ism and/or cheap grace. Third, we teach reformed theology. We believe and teach that salvation truly is a gift of God, and it is all of grace. We affirm that man is totally depraved and is unable to choose God on his own. We believe that God in His great mercy and grace has unconditionally elected some, by no merit of their own, to eternal life. We teach that an atonement is not merely theoretical but is actual, meaning that when Christ made atonement for sins, His sacrifice was actually made for a definite group, namely His people. We affirm God’s irresistible grace. Because regeneration precedes faith, God changes peoples' hearts of stone and gives them hearts of flesh and calls them to Himself. They respond willingly in repentance and faith because of God’s drawing power. We believe in the perseverance of the saints. All those who are God’s elect will persevere in their faith. The perseverance through time and trials actually shows the genuineness of one’s faith. However, ultimately it is not the person holding onto God but rather God who holds the believer and is guarding his heart by faith. We believe and are humbled by the fact that our salvation is truly all of grace! For us the five solas of the Reformation ring out truth and are pillars upon  which we stand: Scripture alone, Christ alone, Faith alone, Grace alone, and Glory to God alone. Fourth, we hold to Biblical theology. What do we mean by that? We teach the unfolding story of redemption as finding its fulfillment in the person of Jesus Christ. The OT puts forth shadows of Christ. Things such as law, temple, and sacrifice all find their fulfillment in Christ. Offices such as Prophet, Priest, and King all find their “yes” in Christ. Where the first Adam failed in temptation and brought forth death, the second Adam (Christ) resisted temptation and brought forth life. Teaching Biblical theology seeks to guard teaching and preaching against using the Bible as a mere guide for inspiration or moralism. Fifth, we have elders for our church leadership. We are led by a plurality of Biblically qualified men (elders) who shepherd the church of God. We also have deacons who serve in a variety of roles. These, we believe, are the two offices of the church: elders and deacons. Our elders are shepherds who seek to lead the church; they do not rule the church. We are a congregational ruled church. The final say comes from the people of God in the church, however, the church affirms elders who lead the church, shepherding them in teaching, praying, pastorally caring, and counseling them as well as making decisions for the church. The “pastor” is an elder in the church. However, he is what we would say, a leader among equals. While he leads the other elders, he does not have more authority than any of the other elders. Sixth, we have committed membership. We take membership seriously. Membership is for people who are truly born again, baptized by immersion, and faithfully committed to walking with the Lord in which attendance and service in the local body is essential. There are a lot of Southern Baptist churches that boast of large church roles yet few are in regular attendance. We seek to keep those balanced. If you are a member at Moriah, we expect that you will attend and serve in the body of Christ. Seventh, we desire to see healthy reformed churches being planted. While much of that is done through partnering with existing or aspiring church planters being sent out from other church or mission organizations, we seek to have close relationships with men who are seeking to make disciples around the world through church planting. We currently support church planters in Austria, Baltimore (USA), and Burundi (Africa).  As an overview, we are an average size church of around 130 members with about the same number attending each week. We truly are a family church meaning you can expect to be greeted and genuine interest to be taken in you as person. With our size, you will be known and loved if you attend and missed when you are not there. You can’t come here and “hide” in the crowd. And we like it that way. This helps the elders to know the people, care for the people, and for the pastor to seek to make good and timely applications in sermons. We seek to come together as a body on Sunday mornings at 10:15 a.m. as we worship, with a blended style of contemporary worship music and hymns. Children do have children’s church during the sermon. We are a church that is filled with families, so we have a great children’s ministry. We have Sunday school for children of all ages at 9 a.m. and also on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sundays of the month. We have children’s ministry “Moriah Kids" at 6 pm. For youth, we have Jr. / Sr. High youth ministry with Sunday school at 9 am and youth group meeting on the same weeks evening services are held on Sunday nights from 5-7 p.m. For adults there is an adult Sunday school at 9 a.m. Important to us are not only our large corporate gatherings but also our “Small Groups.” We encourage all our people to join a small group where we gather for food, prayer, and a biblical discussion/lesson. These groups really help us connect and be a part of one another’s lives. These small groups meet the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. On the Sunday evenings when small groups do not meet, 2nd and 4th, and 5th, we have a time of teaching that focuses on some specific aspect of the Bible such as systematic theology, apologetics, Bible book overviews, etc. We currently are studying through Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology. Finally, sometimes the best way to understand a local church's “culture” is to understand its associations. We are a Southern Baptist Church and partner with the local, state, and national conventions. We give to the cooperative program, while also funding individual missionaries (such as church planters). While we are SBC, we are decidedly reformed. Therefore we appreciate the pastoral and theological ministries of men such as John MacArthur, John Piper, Al Mohler, and R.C. Sproul. We adhere to Nine Marks (9 marks) in ecclesiology. We appreciate the Founder’s Ministry, much of the teaching of Ligonier Ministries, Answers in Genesis for their commitment to Biblical Creation, and Sovereign Grace music. We are  grateful to theologians such as Wayne Grudem, R. C. Sproul, Hodge, Bavinck, Calvin, Luther, etc. We recommend good theological institutions such as Southern Seminary, Boyce College, Master’s Seminary, Master’s University, Reformed Theological Seminary, Westminster Theological Seminary, and others. While we do not support one hundred percent everything all these pastors, theologians, and organizations teach and do, we simply say this is the flavor of who we are - the stream in which we swim. If this is the type of ministry you are looking for, we would love for you to be a part of what God is doing here at Mt. Moriah!

Welcome to

Mount Moriah Baptist Church

We are an elder-led congregation that seeks to glorify God through expository preaching, reformed teaching, and ministries for children, youth, and adults.  We invite you to join us for our Sunday services or other events throughout the week.  Connect with us by visiting the links below.


9:00am  |  Sunday School*

10:15am  |  Morning Worship

6:00pm  |  Evening Worship*

(except for Small Group Sundays)


*Classes for children, youth, and adults


Reformed Teaching, Expository Preaching, Elder-led
Reformed Teaching, Expository Preaching, Elder-led
Reformed Teaching, Expository Preaching, Elder-led




New to the Powdersville area?  Looking for a church home?  Studying at a nearby college?  We would love to have you come worship with us.

We are a Reformed Baptist church located in the Powdersville area in Piedmont, SC.  Our mission is to Reach, Teach, and Equip!

Mount Moriah offers a variety of ministries to meet the needs of our community and those around the world.


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9:00 AM - Sunday School

10:15 AM - Morning Worship

6:00 PM - Evening Worship

(except for Small Group Sundays)

*Check the Church Calendar

for Small Group Sundays.



9813 Anderson Rd.

Piedmont, SC 29673

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© 2023 by Mount Moriah Baptist Church

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