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We are a Reformed Baptist church located in the Powdersville area in Piedmont, SC.  Our mission is to Reach, Teach, and Equip!  While there are many churches around, take a moment to read through What We BelieveOur Distinctives, and the following overview and associations of our church.




We are an average size church of around 130 members with about the same number attending each week.  We truly are a family church, meaning you can expect to be greeted and genuine interest taken in you as a person.  With our size, you will be known and loved if you attend and missed when you are not there.  You can't come here and "hide" in the crowd.  And we like it that way.  This helps the elders to know the people, care for the people, and for the pastor to seek to make good and timely applications in sermons.




We seek to come together as a body on Sunday mornings at 10:15am as we worship, with a blended style of contemporary worship music and hymns.  We are a church that is filled with families, so we have great children's, youth, college and young adult, and men and women's ministries.






• Nursery and Sunday School at 9:00am


• Children's Church for ages 3-5K during morning worship


• Moriah Kids Class at 6:00pm on non-Small Group Sundays






• Sunday School at 9:00am


• Youth Group Meeting at 6:00pm on non-Small Group Sundays






• Adult Equip classes at 9:00am - Click here for our current classes and more information.


• Sunday Evening Class at 6:00pm on non-Small Group Sundays​.  We are currently studying The Apostles' Creed.


• Men's and Women's Bible studies​ meet on alternating Wednesdays.​






Important to us are not only our large corporate gatherings but also our Small Groups.  We encourage all of our people to join a small group where we gather for food, prayer, and a biblical discussion/lesson.  These groups help us connect and be a part of each other's lives.  Small Group Sundays take place every three weeks.  Take a look at our church calendar for specific dates.




Finally, sometimes the best way to understand a local church's "culture" is to understand its associations.  We are a Southern Baptist Church and partner with the local, state, and national conventions.  We give to the Cooperative Program, while also funding individual missionaries (such as church planters).  While we are SBC, we are decidedly reformed.  Therefore we appreciate the pastoral and theological ministries of men such as John MacArthur, John Piper, Al Mohler, and R.C. Sproul.  We adhere to Nine Marks (9Marks) in ecclesiology.  We appreciate the Founder's Ministry, much of the teaching of Ligonier Ministries, Answers in Genesis for their commitment to Biblical Creation, and Sovereign Grace music.  We are grateful to theologians such as Wayne Grudem, R.S. Sproul, Hodge, Bavinck, Calvin, Luther, etc.  We recommend good theological institutions such as Southern Seminary, Boyce College, Master's Seminary, Master's University, Reformed Theological Seminary, Westminster Theological Seminary, and others.  While we do not support 100% everything all these pastors, theologians, and organizations teach and do, we simply say this is the flavor of who we are - the stream in which we swim.




If this is the type of ministry you are looking for, we would love for you to be a part of what God is doing here at Mount Moriah!


The best way to experience Mount Moriah is to plan a visit.  Whether you come alone or with family or friends, we hope you feel comfortable and welcome during your visit.  Click the link below to let us know when you plan to visit!


Mount Moriah is a Southern Baptist Church and is part of the South Carolina Baptist Convention and the Piedmont Baptist Association.


We are located on Hwy 81 in Powdersville.  We would love to have you join us for Sunday School, Morning Worship, Evening Worship, or one of our events throughout the year.



9:00 AM - Sunday School

10:15 AM - Morning Worship

6:00 PM - Evening Worship

(except for Small Group Sundays)


*Check the Church Calendar

for Small Group Sundays.




9813 Anderson Rd.

Piedmont, SC 29673

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© 2023 by Mount Moriah Baptist Church

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